Part 16: Unfortunate Series Continuity

We rejoin Aya Brea in the frozen blood sea anime exposition realm as she collapses to her knees and begins sniffling over the loss of Gabrielle again. Apparently, it took her a solid five minutes from Gabrielle getting time-fragged to her actually reacting, if the time stamps are to believe. Also, well go ahead and ignore the fact she did, in fact, successfully save Thelonious Cray.



Thats one way to object to a wedding.

New Music: Girl in the Dream
You wanted some continuity from the old Parasite Eve games, beyond the protagonist with a completely different personality and skill set? Thats a fucked up thing to drag into The 3rd Birthday. But you asked for it. Heres confirmation that alien acne face and the girl Aya seemed intent on putting a bullet in during

Aya finds herself out of the blood sea anime zone and back in the ruins of Spanish Harlem. All of the SWAT unit has buggered off following the battle with Gabrielle. Which begs the question as to why they left behind poor Maurice Aldag, who has presumably been staring off into space and mumbling to himself this entire time. Some team mates.
Now that Aya has remembered Eve, her weird clone adopted sister who is apparently stuck as a 12 year old girl forever, she of course immediately appears before Aya for a happy reunion.

Haha. Psyche. At least Aya didnt face plant like Yuna when she got a ghost hug fake out at the end of Final Fantasy X.
Were only wrapping up Episode 2 of 6 (but really 7 since there was an Episode 0) here, Aya. You didnt think youd get away with a happy ending without needing to wade through far more anime bullshit, now did you?

New Music: Unforgettable Man
Aya is not thrilled to find Eve taking a liking to a mysterious stranger, which is definitely not also from Ayas past, over Aya herself.

Aya responds by staring confused and breathing heavily. I swear they gave Aya asthma between games. I dont think theres been a scene with even the mildest of action where she wasnt panting like she just ran a triathlon.

Aya strikes a pose and fires a warning shot into the air. Again, its good all the SWAT men and the man-jeep hybrid pulled out, or this whole scene would be very awkward.
Eve looks mildly concerned in a bit of a whats this crazy persons deal sort of way, while mystery man is fully unimpressed.


Nah. Eve is out. This is weird and probably going to end up real dumb.



Unfortunately, it looks like our time chatting with mysterious ghost man about our unstuck from time ghost sister is at its end

Reminder that some non-descript uniformed SWAT member has been standing here by himself talking to extra dimensional ghost people for the last twenty minutes.
Anyway, now that Ayas business in Spanish Harlem is concluded, her soul leaps out of the SWAT cop, who crumples like a ragdoll to the ground. Hopefully theres no stray twisted in the area that come upon him while hes taking a dirt nap. Not that Aya or anyone else cares.
And heres some more Parasite Eve 2 continuity.

The mysterious man hanging out with Eve, who has clearly read ahead in the script already, is Kyle Madigan, the government operative of questionable allegiance, but on Ayas side in the end, from Parasite Eve 2. Parasite Eve 2 was basically Square does Resident Evil 2 and Madigan was essentially a male-Ada Wong. Just instead of being a sexy Asian spy, he just kind of looked like a douchebag in a tactical turtleneck. Also Aya all but rolled her eyes and made a jerk-off motion every time he showed up pulling his mysterious agent routine.
In the good ending epilogue of Parasite Eve 2, Madigan had resigned from being a government special agent and was on the run for knowing too much about the governments dumbass schemes from that game. The post credits scene of the good ending has him meeting up with Aya and Eve while theyre visiting the Museum of Natural History and... well then this game happened a decade later. Bummer.

Its also worth noting that Madigan got his left leg blown the fuck off by an orbital cannon attack impacting right next to him and in the epilogue it sounded a bit like he had a metal prosthetic leg. The 3rd Birthday is just going to go ahead and completely ignore that fact. Hes a weird Time Lord now. He clearly regenerated just by looking mostly the same, save having both legs, a hipster douchebag haircut, and a sad wispy pube beard.
With that all said, we are now done with Episode 2: A Lost Soul Operation Black Storm of The 3rd Birthday. Nearly two dozen soldiers died on Ayas watch. But she Overdived a ton of enemies and sniped a good amount of Stinkers, so its a solid B performance. Ill take it.
Tune in next time when we see how weve altered history this time, mostly forget Gabrielle got time-fragged, and learn of our new assignment in throwing rocks into the time stream and seeing what happens. Itll be a thing!

Video: Episode 2 Ending Cutscene

Kyle Madigan 13 years later and thats the best beard he could manage to grow.